The Queen Creek Meeting House (QCMH), Arizona is a federally recognized 501(c)(3) charitable non-profit Arizona corporation. It is a facility where AA meetings, Al-Anon meetings, and other twelve step meetings, and related events are held.
Find a meeting
Search a list of meetings at the QCMH or print a PDF version of the current meeting schedule.
Our Location
The QCMH is located in Arizona's far east valley. Here you will find a map and directions to the QCMH location.
Events Calendar
Check here for scheduled QCMH events including the business meetings, annual picnic, holiday events, and workshops.
2024 QCMH Fall Fest BBQ – October 19th
- Saturday, October 19, 2024, 3:00pm – 7:00pm @ Desert Mountain Park, 22201 S Hawes Rd, Queen Creek AZ 85142. Saguaro Ramada (located in the back of the park by the volleyball courts).
- There will be a membership drive and voting in of the new QCMH board members.
- AA & Al-Anon speaker.
- Hamburgers & Hot Dogs will be provided. Please bring a side dish to share.
- Family, friends, and all 12 step programs are welcome .
2024 QCMH Quarterly House Committee Business Meeting
There will NOT be a quarterly business meeting October 19th, 2024.
The next business meeting is at the QCMH Saturday, January 18th, 2025 at 1:30pm. This meeting is open to anyone who attends a meeting at the QCMH [members & non-members]. You do not have to be a QCMH member to serve on the House Committee.
QCMH Annual Membership
QCMH annual membership starts January – December. Read more…
Meeting Areas
Room 1
Room 2
Outside Area
Kids Room
Additional Meeting Information
Search the complete list of meetings at the QCMH or print a PDF version of the current meeting schedule. Updates to the meeting schedule should be forwarded to the QCMH Schedule Coordinator.
All meetings are self-supporting, rent-paying entities independent of the QCMH. Comments or questions about a meeting should be directed to the individual meeting.
Interested in starting a 12th step recovery meeting? Please, contact a member of the board of directors or house committee to assist you in finding an available time slot.
Currently the QCMH annual membership fee is $10. If you would like more information about membership or how to become a member Read More…